Perfectly adapted to dry conditions, Seed Hawk direct drills provide outstanding results for a large range of species.
Seed Hawk direct drill's performance allows you to cover more ground more quickly. With toolbar width up to 20 meters, and with minimum tilling, you will save a lot of time.
Moreover, these machines place seeds and fertilizer close to the surface in one pass, with high precision on both even or uneven ground.
Everything is done to guarantee good emergence. The "furrow effect" for instance, inducted by packer wheels, places the seeds in the optimum position for access to fertilizer and moisture.
With a perfect knowledge of Seed Hawk use in arid conditions, the ICS team will help you make the best choice by taking into consideration your specific needs. Seed Hawk has a range of tank sizes and toolbar widths to suit any farm and budget. Tanks can also be used with all kinds of fertilizer: liquid, dry, and anhydrous.