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Our selection of Rhodes Grass Seeds

Rhodes grass (Chloris gayana) is a summer-growing, stoloniferous perennial, whose runners provide good soil cover for erosion control.

Adapted to a wide variety of soil types, it is only moderately tolerant to frost but tolerant to salinity. Its low oxalate concentration make it a suitable pasture grass for horses while its hay is widespread in animal production and milk production, where it is used as a secondary crop after alfalfa.


  • Katambora is later flowering than Pioneer (which is replaced in most places now with improved varieties), so it remains more leafy and productive into autumn. It is also finer leaved and more stoloniferous.
  • Callide is later flowering than Katambora, is less cold-tolerant and needs a higher rainfall than Pioneer or Katambora. Callide is more palatable and can be more productive than Pioneer or Katambora under conditions of higher fertility.
  • Finecut Rhodes Grass is a leafy, extremely fine stemmed, early flowering diploid cultivar with improved dry matter production. It is a summer growing grass which spreads rapidly to form a dense mat, giving quick ground cover on bare soil. The creeping habit helps bind bare soil together and combats soil erosion. Finecut is adaptable to a wide range of soils from light sandy soils to heavy texture soils. This wide adaptation and ability to tolerate salty conditions makes Finecut the ideal choice for varied conditions.
  • Topcut Rhodes grass is a leafy, extremely fine stemmed, early flowering diploid cultivar with improved dry matter production. It is a summer growing grass which spreads rapidly to form a dense mat giving quick ground cover on bare soil. The creeping habit helps bind bare soil together and combat soil erosion. Topcut Rhodes Grass is adaptable to a wide range of soils including sandy soils and heavy texture soils. Topcut is more erect and not as fine as Finecut but is still substantially finer than existing Rhodes grass cultivars.
  • Reclaimer Rhodes Grass is a new Katambora type Rhodes grass selected and bred for its high level of salt tolerance, aggressive growth habits and improved grazing and haymaking characteristics. Reclaimer Rhodes Grass is a fine stemmed Rhodes grass with a very high leaf to stem ratio compared to other Katambora types. Aggressive growth and spreading habits makes Reclaimer the ultimate choice for hay or grazing production. Its high tolerance of saline soils also makes Reclaimer the perfect grass for reclamation work.

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