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Melon and watermelon seeds

Watermelons: large fruits to share with family

Long, round or striped fruits and always very sweet !
ICS distributes premium watermelon varieties grown in USA.

Find in our catalogs :

  • Watermelon Grey Bell
  • Watermelon Charleston Grey
  • Watermelon Crimson Sweet

F1 Yoruba : The most African melon !

Melon F1 Yoruba is an hybrid variety, very unique, with golden yellow finely netted skin and creamy white flesh, very sweet and delicious!

Melon F1 Yoruba is a variety specifically designed for local markets :

  • Heat tolerant variety with good behaviour in traditional or intensive farming
  • Early variety, cycle of 70 days after direct sowing
  • Very sweet fruits, reaching a brix from 16 to 19, with a very unique and aromatic flavour

Yoruba hybrid melon

The partner of your farming projects in Africa & the Middle East